
17 giugno 2005


cervello, originally uploaded by lzp.

Anziché scivolare negli insulti triviali tanto cari a tante cadreghine, ecco un bell'esempio di cosa fare, arrivatoci da un nostro anonimo/a lettore/trice che ci ha segnalto questo link FONDAMENTALE!

si parla della costituzione di dilettantistiche.

fatti e non pugnette Signore&Signori, in fondo questa mica é L'assemblea nazionale!!

Aggiungo un'altro contributo per il quale ringrazio il nostro lettore/trice "crew", si tratta del PERPETUAL FUND statunitense, una cosa che dovrebbe trovare spazio sui media ufficiali della Classe, se non fossero concentrati come sono ad un'opera di "pre-lubrificazione" per l'imminente presentazione della Riforma della RL, quella che un nostro lettore faceva notare essere in ritardo di appena 60gg sulle scadenze deliberate in Assemblea 8-))

Il perpetual fund serve essenzialmente a raccogliere risorse per l'attività della Classe Snipe USA, che dedica tali risorse alla "Promotion of the Snipe Class in the United States, and/or PREFERENTIAL SUPPORT FOR JUNIOR US SNIPE SAILORS participating in international Snipe competitions"!!

Quindi l'argomento dovrebbe interessare anche e soprattutto a chi si fa offrire l'iscrizione agli eventi internazionali dalla Classe, che da sola equivale all'80% delle disponibilità di Cassa annuali della SCIRA italia!

E probabilmente interesserà anche a questi, quando la Cassa non basterà più far loro certe regalie.

buona lettura.

The Perpetual Fund was created by the SCIRA USA Board at their annual meeting on July 30, 1988, as an endowment fund to be held separate and apart from all other assets of SCIRA. It was created to exist in perpetuity and to hold funds donated by SCIRA members and friends over the years. The Board voted that only the income earned each year by the Fund (never the principal) would be used for the following purposes and no others:

Promotion of the Snipe Class in the United States, and/or
PREFERENTIAL SUPPORT FOR JUNIOR US SNIPE SAILORS participating in international Snipe competitions.

At the SCIRA USA Board of Directors meeting in July of 1998, all responsibilities for the Fund’s investments and income disbursements was delegated to a three-member "oversight committee" (now known as the "trustees") consisting of the current U.S. National Secretary and two "at large" SCIRA members selected by the Board from time to time. Later that year, the assets in the Perpetual Fund grew significantly with the receipt of a generous bequest from the Estate of Chuck Loomis, a past SCIRA Commodore and chief measurer.

Today, the Perpetual Fund is invested to remain a strong source of income to help Snipe sailing in the US for generations to come. Income generated in recent years has, among other purposes, been used to pay for advertisements promoting the Snipe in Sailing World, Scuttlebutt and other publications, and has helped junior Snipe sailors travel to and compete in the 2003 Junior World Championship, where the US took 1st and 2nd place overall.

Income Disbursements
Periodically, the trustees of the Perpetual Fund receive grant requests via the US National Secretary. These grant requests are then evaluated by the trustees and awarded based on available income, anticipated investment returns, and the overall purpose of the grant request to ensure that the purpose falls within the Fund’s defined mission and restrictions.

Gifts to the Perpetual Fund
The Perpetual Fund welcomes charitable contributions to help further its mission of promoting the Snipe Class and helping junior Snipe sailors in the US. Like all gifts to SCIRA in the US, gifts directed specifically to the Perpetual Fund are fully deductible for US Federal income tax purposes because of SCIRA’s tax exempt status. For more information about making a current gift or leaving a bequest in your will to SCIRA or the Perpetual Fund specifically, please contact the US National Secretary, Don Hackbarth, by telephone at 770-587-3653, or by e-mail at: Checks may be made out to "SCIRA USA" and mailed directly to:

SCIRA USA Perpetual Fund
Attn: Mary Buckley
PO Box 83866
Lincoln, NE 68501

1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

riporto: "Quindi l'argomento dovrebbe interessare anche e soprattutto a chi si fa offrire l'iscrizione agli eventi internazionali dalla Classe, che da sola equivale all'80% delle disponibilità di Cassa annuali della SCIRA italia!"

Molto interessante, soprattutto quando a meno di una settimana dalla chiusura delle iscrizioni al Campionato Mondiale non si sa ancora quali saranno i "magnifici 8" che ci rappresnteranno......
ottimo lavoro, veramente!