
31 gennaio 2012

..nOT a f****G €!! video qui sotto era già stato pubblicato qui..
..quel che forse mancava è la spiegazione, dettagliata, del ben più vasto progetto di cui questo breve video (un aperitivo) è parte (di seguito in rosso).. sintesi: serve a promuovere la Classe.. dopo secoli che credevano non fosse necessario.. ops!
..ora: condivisibile ed encomiabile l'iniziativa.. MA: ad oggi uno socio della SCIRA Internazionale (non americano) paga l'associazione annuale alla Classe (altrimenti non può correre nemmeno ad una Zonale..) e paga una tassa ogni volta che deve comprare una vela nuova.. per ricevere cosa??
Nel primo caso un bollino adesivo per lo scafo.. tondo, nel secondo un bollino adesivo per la vela.. però quadrato.. senza il quale la vela non può essere stazzata..
..e poi?
..e poi un giornalino bi-mestrale, i cui contenuti (almeno quelli interessanti) generalmente sono on-line da circa.. due mesi..
..e poi?
..eventi internazionali anacronsticamente (e autodistruttivamente, soprattutto in tempi di crisi economica) chiusi.. ed un Board Internazionale che si perpetua per autocooptazione senza alcun coinvolgimento della base degli associati (al contrario che nella Classe Star, ad esempio).. salvo decidere tutto quanto attenga alla vita dell'Associazione, naturalmente. 
..e poi?

..per carità: non che l'iscrizione alla Classe sia costosa, o che il Board Internazionale non faccia bene il suo (sono sempre più convinto che tolti alcuni casi eccezionali.. tipo le polis greche del periodo delle guerre persiane.. la democrazia sia uno strumento sopravvalutato ed inefficiente..) e va benissimo investire in comunicazione (meglio tardi che mai.. sperando che non sia un'iniziativa una tantum..) ma visto quanto viene offerto in cambio, e visto che chiedono soldi ma in cambio non danno alcun possibilità di sindacare sul come questi vengano spesi.. ora vogliono pure rastrellare risorse per contribuire la produzione del video? andate a prendere i soldati delle truppe d'occupazione austriache!!!(*)

(*) esclamazione nella sua originaria versione nota come: "va ciapà i ratt!!! "

Serious Sailing, Serious Fun: Traditions Build Winners
Update #2 Jibetech Raffle January 30, 2012

It’s been a strong first 12 days for this fundraising drive. The project has raised almost $1,000 on Kickstarter and has pledges of $2,000 to SCIRA. That’s a good start but if the project is going to move forward we need those of you who love the excitement of small boat sailing to support this project.

To get a better idea of the project take a look at the six and a half minute clip to that's listed above to see the power of the documentary's content and the excitement of watching these boats in close competition.

This 45 minute high definition video project will show how those who sail Snipes keep producing winners by emphasizing the traditions of competition and sportsmanship, traditions that are the foundation of the Class. It’s a strong promotional piece for the Class featuring Snipe sailors from around the world telling their stories about what brought them to the Class. You can see how the documentary will be distributed further down in this email.

Jibetech Raffle

To help us raise the money to complete the documentary, Andy Pimental of Jibetech has donated a brand new Snipe to be raffled off. We all know the quality that Andy puts into each and every one of his boats. This one some unique features that will make it stand out on the water and in the boatyard.

Here are the ways you can enter:

If you’ve thought this was the year that you wanted to try out a new boat, you can enter the raffle by donating $250 or more on Kickstarter (for each $250 you will get one raffle ticket):

You don’t have to donate $250 to help out. A donation of any amount will help me reach my goal. I’m looking to raise half the individual donations I need on Kickstarter – the funding goal is $7,500. On Kickstarter you don’t get charged until the project reaches its funding goal so pledge what you can and help me reach my goal.

You can also give a tax deductible donation to SCIRA and they will pass the money along to me as a contribution that promotes the Class. Many of you work for corporations that will give a matching grant to a 501c3 if you show them your contribution. Ask you employer if they will match your contribution to SCIRA.

A donation of $250 here will also get you a ticket into the raffle. Here’s the information you need to make that donation:

Make the checks out to SCIRA with a note that let’s them know this is for the Snipe documentary. Send your donation to:
2812 Canon St.
San Diego, CA 92106

Attn: Snipe documentary
My fundraising goal is $15,000. I’ll raise $7,500 of that on Kickstarter and another $7,500 through SCIRA. I plan to raise the Kickstarter and SCIRA money from individual donations from people like you. I’ll raise another $5,000 through other sources. The money will be used to finish the editing on the project and get the documentary ready for distribution in the Fall of this year.

Another way you can help me today – and it won’t cost you a dime – is to vote for this project on the International Movie Trailer Festival website. It’s another crowd source funding avenue and the Trailer with the most votes at the close of the contest in March get’s $5,000 and a distribution deal.

Your vote can help me raise $5,000. Go take a look and vote for this documentary:

The ultimate success of this project should be measured in its ability to inspire a wide audience to consider sailing a Snipe. To do that it must be seen by large numbers of people and I will personally pursue extensive distribution and outreach of the completed documentary. Here’s what I intend:

• Promotional uses where the Snipe Class International Racing Association will use the DVD to draw new members into the class.

• The DVD will be available at sailing related retailers and on their websites.

• Social media will be used to generate interest through editorial copy on sailing aggregator websites and through the network of supporters the project has developed. (My YouTube channel has been delivering more than 2,000 hits each month for two years on the Snipe segments I’ve posted. Multiple stories have appeared in Scuttlebutt, Sailing World and other sites)

• With Gary Jobson’s support and the success of his One Design Sailing documentary the program has a good chance of appearing on cable television. (His program aired on ESPN Classic in November)

• The documentary will be entered in film festivals to broaden its reach beyond just the sailing community. (Snipe regatta segments I produced have been nominated for an Emmy and have appeared in numerous film festivals over the past two years)

• I will secure screenings of the documentary at yacht clubs and sailing related events where I can personally discuss the passion of Snipe sailors.
Passing on traditions is what small boat sailing is all about and this documentary, focusing on the Snipe Class shows why sailing small one-design boats can be a consuming passion. It will inspire people who may not have our personal contact with sailing to find a local fleet and give it a try.

I hope I can count on your support for this project and to be a part of introducing Snipe sailing to new audiences.

Vincent Casalaina
Snipe 30569

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