ovviamente si parla della rielezione del Presidente World Sailing (ex ISAF), che vede tra i candidati il tutt'ora regnate, il pregevole Carlo Croce..
..del quale di seguito una succinta ma pregnante biografia..
"Croce apparently believes he will be remembered not for feces and body parts on the race course in Rio or for Jewish sailors having to hide their nationality at an ISAF Youth World Championship, but for the wild success of the newly reimagined Sailing World Cup. You know – that regatta that literally a few thousand people in the entire world pay attention to for 3 years out of every four? Yeah, that’s the one. As the only regatta that ISAF World Sailing actually owns, management has decided it’s time to try to build some revenue out of it…and the result is a little bizarre."
..intanto Luca Devoti, che non sarà campione di simpatia, ma dimostra da anni molta più lucidità e capacità di tutta quell'orrenda inumana consorteria che infesta certe federazioni, ha da dire la sua..
"Looks like World Sailing, completely overwhelmed by the Rio Olympics has lost contact with the sport’s reality. This Sailing World Cup needs to be completely rewritten. Andy Hunt, if you really don’t how to come up with something better than this, please feel free to contact us, we will help you.
Sailing needs events, we need to race and we need to know where, when and what to sail. Maybe World Sailing CEO Andy Hunt, doesn’t know the big rule of communication…
One of our Dinghy Academy sailors commented: “And… by the way… we can’t tell you exactly when and where the Sailing World Cup events will be. We will continue to impose drastic fleet size quotas (because that worked really well this last quad…), and we won’t tell you if your class will be in Tokyo until sometime next spring… But show up anyway, guys… And if you are a sailing venue, go ahead and bid for the privilege…”.
What is wrong in this proposed “non World Cup”? First of all, majority of sailors are not loaded with money, so very few of them, in reality not even one, will committ and take part in all the requested events. They simply do not have the budget.
Our Comment: “We need more events and discards and a grand final. Aussie plus some sailing in Melbourne. Canadian plus some sailing CORK in Kingston, American and even more than some in Miami, and the usual european circuit: Palma, Hyeres, Medemblick, Kiel and Garda, with max four counters for example. No limited entry, open and happy, sailing is our passion, sharing a drink with the mates, discussing the races a pleasure second to none. Sailing is a social sport”.
..e il concetto di "No limited entry, open and happy" fa particolare effetto quando pronunciato da un ex medaglia Olimpica in merito a regate del Circuito World Sailing..
..quando ci sono Classi Corinthian* come la Nostra che si ostinano sul modello delle "qualificazioni" e delle regate "contingentate"..
(*) Corinthian significa velisti della domenica..