
10 dicembre 2011

..rULE 69 (e aCCASA!!)

Le foto del fattaccio sono qui titolo di questo post e la faccia di Ben Anslie qui ritratto, credo possano fugare qualsiasi dubbio in merito all'esito di quant'accaduto..

Ainslie’s progress was impeded by the boat on the final downwind leg of race nine of the World Championship series in Perth, and after the race finish he boarded the media boat to voice his unhappiness at the boat driver’s actions. 
..e l'invasione della Polonia fu una scaramuccia tra vicini di casa..
(Sail-World: The full 28 shot sequence of the incident can be viewed here including images of a gloved hand near the boat driver's face as he pulls his head away during the incident
..quindi per gli inglesi, quando ti danno un cazzotto in faccia, sei te che tiri via la stessa.. interessante.
Unfortunately because of the situation we were in, with the sport trying to move to better television images to appeal to that market, sometimes there’s a learning process to go through from a television perspective and sometimes there are implications and this is an example of one of those. 
-Stephen Park, RYA Olympic Manager- rendere la vela telegenica sta diventando una vera e propria ossessione.. anzichè usare i battelli, perchè non fare come fan tutti per alzare gli ascolti: riempirla di donne-seminude.
It’s particularly disappointing that this Championship has effectively been determined in this way in the jury room rather than between sailors on the water. 
ma dai?!
There have been various rumours in the media about Ben having ‘assaulted’ the driver of the boat. As far as we’re concerned there wasn’t an assault which took place, and as far as the driver was concerned that was part of his statement to the jury so we’re pretty keen to put that to bed and recognised that that’s a bit of over exaggeration and sensationalism. 
ci potrebbero essere anche dei rumors riguardo alla madre di qualcuno..
..sperando che anche quest'ultimi non siano suffragati da FOTOGRAFIE..
..come nel caso dell'abbordaggio del battello tv.
While we accept the penalty from the jury and do not condone Ben’s behaviour
..e vorrei vedere.
i would hope, on the basis of the jury’s facts found, that it is recognised that lessons need to be learned both from the side of the International Sailing Federation as organising authority as well as the sailors.
..ossia obbligare i finnisti all'uso dei guantoni, ed i media-crew all'uso dei paradenti??
At the moment the sport seems to be fumbling its way into trying to make the sport more appealing for television but surely there is a better way than trialling new race formats, rule regulations and specifically in this case media initiatives than trialling them at the World Championship which is arguably the most important event in the Olympic cycle outside of the Games themselves. 
..e che altro deve succedere?? quali nuovi percorsi: tette&culi as usual!!
..oppure cazzottoni&calci volanti, tipo wrestling!
I overreacted
Ben Ainslie
..eccelso velista, e dotato d'acume.. decisamente!
I felt my performance was being severely hindered. I’m very thankful that everyone involved has taken it how it was – as something which was blown out of proportion in terms of what actually happened. 
..l'hai solo preso a pugni, mica l'hai squartato col letherman!!
 I’m very sorry that the jury decided to react the way they did over something which really wasn’t as big as it was blown up to be.
It’s very disappointing that the Championship has been decided this way. I’ve worked extremely hard over the last six weeks and have been training incredibly hard to get to this position in a venue which has been difficult for me with my size against the bigger sailors.
 ..pensarci prima?? 
 prima di fare la cazzata, s'intende.
but I certainly hope now that it’s one of the British boats on top of the podium if it can’t be me. 
..e Iddiosalvilareggina, certo!certo!
..take it easy, e pensa al lato positivo, se fossi stato uno stronzoqualunque e non il grande nome della vela olimpica che sei, la Giuria t'avrebbe fatto mangiare la tessera, e la prossima regata sarebbero state le Olimpiadi.. di Rio.

..con un pensiero finale a tutti gli stronziqualunque che affollano i campi di regata, naturalmente.

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