
14 febbraio 2009


stripe via gapingvoid

txt "copy-pasted" from ThePeconicPuffin

..di seguito le 10 "reason way" per le quali una donna dovrebbe preferire un surfista, estendibili anche ai velisti.. almeno 9/10..


Top Ten Reasons For Women To Date A Windsurfer (Valentines Day encore presentation)

Ladies, are you still searching for that special someone? Consider looking amongst the windsurfers:

10. The ratio of men to women is 4 to 1.
9. They can talk about something besides football.
8. They don’t smell too bad because it’s a good bet they’ve gotten wet recently.
7. They have another interest besides sex.
6. You know they’re rich enough to afford windsurfing equipment.
5. You always get the latest weather report, several times a day.
4. They are capable of commitment, at least to their sport.
3. They have no issues about wearing rubber.
2. You always know where they are, at least when it’s windy.

1. Windsurfers are generally fit, tanned, and have cute butts.


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