
04 novembre 2008


per non comprendere l'importanza di quanto uscirà dalle urne americane vorrebbe un livello di imbecillità..
..che sono ragionevolmente sicuro sia proprio di diversi tra i molti che seguono questa colonna..

..essendo fortemente convinto dell'inutilità di qualsiasi spiegazione a simili figuri.. quanto evidentemente non equipaggiati per comprendere..
..non starò certo a darne, non qui, non io..

..che mi limito a copiaincollare la riflessione di un noto cittadino americano..

pic&txt courtesy of

Let's hope so. Tuesday has the potential to be a historic day of gigantic proportions here in the States. After eight years of arguably the most incompetent, damaging and malfeasant administration in history, led by an evil little dick called The Shrub for good reason, it is time for a change. And not just any change - Barack Obama represents something this country hasn't seen for years: intelligence, compassion, reason, fairness and an honest sense of right and wrong. Sure, the right wing loonies are squawking, but who cares? They had their chances for eight years and look at the results. Best if they now just sit down and STFU - they were wrong then and they're wrong now. Sure, they can vote for the damaged old man and his christo-psycho animal killing running mate, but they are indeed a sad commentary on what has happened to the Republican party. it is time for a real leader - one not taken with starting phony wars, one not beholden to hollow religiosity and one not doing the bidding of the rich and corporate America. We can't wait. Thanks to Photo Sails for the shots of these political sails!

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