
20 luglio 2011


video via video non è propriamente un video, ma un montaggio di foto scattate da una macchina montata su un casco..
..le foto sono state scattate durante la recente "Mackinac", regata che si corre sul Lago Michigan (Chigaco)..
..durante l'edizione di quest'anno la flotta è stata investita, in piena notte, da una tempesta con venti fino a 100kt..
..e ci sono scappati ben 2 morti..
..le immagini danno un'idea abbastanza parziale ma assolutamente chiara della razza di mattanza che deve essere stata..
..tanto per mettere a fuoco: nelle riprese non ci sono sorgenti di luce artificiali.. è "solo" la luce dei lampi!
..di seguito il breve testo che accompagnava questo video..

"Here's edited footage shot from a helmet camera aboard the J109 Realt Na Mara during the 2011 Chicago to Mackinac Race in 50-60+ knots. The worst of the storm hit just after midnight which made bolts of lightning our only light source. The evening's weather reports indicated winds were not expected to exceed 30 knots. As the wind built, our tack line exploded; we were knocked down immediately and stayed horizontal from winds of 54 knots for about 15 minutes. Shortly after being knocked down, with no steerage, lightning flashed and another boat, just to weather, without sails was planing right towards us. Thankfully, they managed to alter course and avoid a collision. Once the winds calmed a bit, lights shined on our boat followed by the release of an emergency flare. We approached the vessel we now think was the Sociable who was first at the scene of the capsized WingNuts. They told us there were 8 people in the water. We began searching the area immediately. In a short period of time, more than a dozen boats were at the site; and, after about 45 minutes, the rescue helicopter joined the search as well. We received word that 6 of the 8 crew were rescued. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those who were lost."

"There was about a seven-minute section where the wind was pegged between the instrument’s maximum, which is 100 knots [Ed. Note: 100 knots is 115 mph or 200 kilometers per hour], and 90 knots. It’s just blasting out there."

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